Monday 2 January 2012

Lose weight: Absolutely free advices, tips and sample menu!

I want to share with you something that really works. All the my advices now free. If you use my programe correctly you can see amazing results. Please don´t use this too often and take care you´ll get every vitamins you need to. I have seen so many diets and think this is the most efficient. I have collected many health advices and just wanted to share those with you.

Basic rules:    

1.   Don´t eat white bread(avoid). No for macarone, butter, rice and potato.

2.   Don´t eat too much yougurts or drink milk  (take 1 glass few times a week becose you still need your calsium).

3.   You should do exercises at least 2-3 times a week. Also muscular exercises so you don´t burn only muscles.

4.   Drink green tea and water(lots of). Chinese green tea helps your metabolism and is healthy.
It also helps loosing weight. Use cumin becose the cleaning influence.

5.   Use vinegar in your salad. Also add some olive oil. Use lots of spices. Your food is going to be tasty and metabolism works better.

This is my sample menu and works very well for me!

2 boiled eggs
drink lots of water
about 100gr peanuts

LUNCH 13.30-16.30 PM
200gr steak: beef, chicken or fish. Sometimes you can eat my HIZE- lentils(for vegetarians).
Salad. 2-3 times a week little low fat cheese(small cube) and drink water.

This is my favourite part of the day. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables (if you want). You can taste: oranges, apples, watermelon, appricot, persimom etc... Don´t eat too many bananas!