Saturday 28 January 2012

D-vitamine pills

Sun! Sun! Sun! I need sun! It has been too dark for several months. If you live as north as i do you might understand what i am talking about. Buy D-vitamin pills dear friend. Eat 1-2 pills per day. You'll feel and be healthier and your weight lose plan does not crush this way.

Have a sunny day!

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Anyway healthy

If you are over weighed  more than 20 kilos you may feel exhausted. Remember if you are able to lose 5 kilos for example and able to keep it down your healthy effects are good for few years. Badly effective health issues might dissapear.
The lower you want to get your weight more you need exercises and harder diet.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Efficient medicine for weight loss found!

I read these news few days ago. Drink few glasses after every meal and people tell it does actually help losing weight. It is very healthy and helps body build up.It have 0 calories. No negative effects or side effects. It is cheap. This wonderfull "thing" is called the water. This info comes from the scientists. So enjoy!

When you are looking your weight
Remember to also calculate your height
If you lose your weight
Remember the good thing is you can´t lose your height

Thursday 12 January 2012

Please use olive oil

I know many people who are well over weighed and went to see a doctor. The doctor watched him and asked what do you eat. How you don´t have too much cholesterole? He said: actually i use olive oil very often.
The doctor said that then we found the reason. Olive oil does lower your bad cholesterol. 
Also studies show that people who consume around 2 tablespoons olive oil daily for 1 week showed less oxidations of LDL cholesterol. So use olive oil in your salads etc...
In the Italy hearth diseases aren´t very common.
I use moroccan olive oil becose think it is the best oil you can get.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Women, Women

Women often tell lies about their diet. Women often say: " It was only a small portion!".
or "maybe I eat this now and don´t eat later". "I only treat myself once in a while". 

Dr Cassandra Maximenko said: " Studies show that keeping a food diary can double your weight loss but it seems that rather than being honest about the food and drink which passes our lips many women are lying about it, or completely denying it altogether".

Women often have problem with chocolate, crisps, cake, cheese, bread and wine.

Millions of British women have potentially dangerous diets. They are not getting all the vitamins that they need. Fastfood is a very common meal and their diet includes lots of salt. Meanwhile their body needs fruits, vegetables and oily fish. Unfortenately their diet still is healthier than men have.

Monday 9 January 2012

Few tips for you

Drink plenty of water. It helps you feel healthier and flush out toxins. Water has no calories so you can also drink a glass of water before you start your meal. You feel full sooner and don´t eat too much.
Include fruits that contain lots of water into your diet. You feel full and still didn´t eat so many calories.
Eat only when you are hungry. Many people eat for fun. Drink tea or coffee without any sugar. Green tea helps you losing weight.
Don´t skip meal becose when you are going to eat it is a catastrophe. You are going to eat too much too fast.
If you can say no for alcohol and cigarettes please do so.
Try to eat more vegetables and when you eat meat it should be white meat rather than red.
Avoid sugar!

Remember This

If you are healthy
it is more than being wealthy
you can enjoy your life
all the time

Saturday 7 January 2012

P.E. for your health

Yes! P.E. does have a positive influence for your health. 

It is not so effective way to lose your weight but it does burn few kilos and lower your waist fat.
So P.E. can lower your body fat and create muscles.
However P.E. helps you to keep your managed weight loss.
Everybody needs P.E. and after exercising you usually feel so good. 
Many people talk about being addicted like some people are addicted to drugs.


Thursday 5 January 2012

Chinese Green Tea

Green tea is made solely from the leaves of camellia sinensis. It originate from China.
Green tea has been used as a medicine in China for at least 4000 years.
It prevents cancer, hight blood pressure and diabetes. It also inhabits the rise of cholesterol.
It helps you losing weight. The chinese green tea prevents the feeling of hunger and speed up your metabolism.

It is good for you to drink two cups a day. I have many bags of green tea at home and enjoyed also one cup this morning. There is also cofeine so feels good. This pictures shows my green tea resources at the moment :)

This picture has been taken this morning.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Did you know?

1. That peanuts contain mostly un saturated fat. This means that it can lover your risk of heart disease.

2. Spinach prevents muscle loss, cancer, bone loss and hearth diseases. It is also a great source of iron and calsium. Very healthy:)

3. Turkey is good for weight losing. It cointains essentially no saturaited fat. Great meat source for losing weight.

4. I love cumin. It helps flush toxins out of your body and tastes great. It also helps in the disestive process.

5. Hot peppers are great diet food becose they speed your metabolism and help you lose weight.

6. Eat berries(cran-, rasp-, blue-, and blackberries). Low calories and prevent cancer and heart diseases.



Tuesday 3 January 2012

Few Tips for you

  • Take before and after photos so you can see the difference.
  • Tell your family and friends that you´re on a special diet. This helps you staying on the right side.
  • If your diet is harsh vitamins are good for you.
  • Watch your weight in the morning after your toilet session and before eating or drinking anything.
  • In the beginning buy clothes that are just your size. After about month put them on again. You´ll see the difference. Feels good! Great award!
  • Learn about how many calories does something that you usually eat include. You can always quickly calculate(with your brains) that how many calories does your snack include and how many you need. Or is this snack better or this.



French Ratatouille recipe dear friends!

Basically you´ll need these ingredients

about 4 tomatoes
about 8 garlic cloves                                     
2 large onions                                                
olive oil                                                         
lots of parsley                                                
and basil                                                        
green, yellow and red paprika                      
3 zucchinies                                                   
some black pepper
tomate puree
some paprika powder
1-2 teaspoon salt
some ginger powder
little cumin 

Just dice all the ingredients. Lots of parsley and basil. Fry onions with olive oil. Add garlic and fry. Then add

other vegetables and fry. Add spices and tomate puree. Add some water and let it simmer for a while. Then

taste if it is well done. If not add more water and let simmer. When it well done taste if it have enought spices

and salt. It is ready!

Sport HELPS you lose your weight

Doing exercises can help you loosing your weight faster. Notice that if you just start to do more exercises and keep your unhealthy diet results aren´t that good. Sport can help you keep your weight(zero grow). So forst plan your new diet. Stop smoking and drinking alcohole. Eat fruits, vegetables and berries. Avoid carbohydrates! Eat real meat or lentils so you get iron. Sleep enought at least 8 hours/night. Believe or not but this has also positive influence. If you are on a very hard diet you should consider vitamine tablets.

I have always struggled with my weight. With my diet (added before) and those tips i have alway been able to lose my weight even up to 35 kilos in few months. One very important thing for me has been preparing meals ready. If I don´t have meals ready and feel hungry things aren´t going too well. I start to cook and meanwhile I taste things and eat bread etc... So I started to cook once for many coming days. If you want to prepare your meat, chicken or fish grill is the best very low fat option. You can also try vaporization.
Whan good vegetable dish that you can serve with your meat is french ratatouille.

Monday 2 January 2012

I´ll share with you few healthy dishes. Delicious!

HIZE- Lentils moroccan way

1 onion                                                       
small green lentils about 200gr                 
saffron                                                            .
garlic about 4-5 nails                               
 black pepper                                              
cumin (lots of)                                           
olive oil                                                       
1 tomato                                                       
ginger (powder)                                            
paprika (powder) 1 tablespoon
parsley    (lots of)                         
meat stock powder(or cube)        
tomate puree      (some)                                 

1. smash onion and garlic and tomato

2. fry them in the olive oil and some normal oil, first onions

then garlic and last tomato
3. Add spices and parsley

4. fry them little bit then add the lentils

5. Then water so you are not able to see lentils. Leave them

medium heat. When it is sauce taste if its ready add more

salt or meat stock. if it is not ready add more water and

leave again. Add some lemon. Enjoy!

My HIZE-salade

little onion/and (some garlic?)                       
green paprika                                                  .
1. Put the tomatoes in the boiling water for few seconds. Then put those in the cold water. Then take the skin of . Then dice them.

2. Burn the skin of the green paprika over the fire. Then put in the plastic bag. After a while take the skin
of and innard. Then dice it.

3. Dice onion(little) put all the makings together and add salt, vinegar to taste. Black pepper and cumin. Taste.

HIZE- carrot salad

orange juice                                              
(some sugar???)    

1. Skin the carrots and crush them with a small grater.

2. Mix with the orange meat and some orange juice.

Add cinnamon to taste. It is ready!

Lose weight: Absolutely free advices, tips and sample menu!

I want to share with you something that really works. All the my advices now free. If you use my programe correctly you can see amazing results. Please don´t use this too often and take care you´ll get every vitamins you need to. I have seen so many diets and think this is the most efficient. I have collected many health advices and just wanted to share those with you.

Basic rules:    

1.   Don´t eat white bread(avoid). No for macarone, butter, rice and potato.

2.   Don´t eat too much yougurts or drink milk  (take 1 glass few times a week becose you still need your calsium).

3.   You should do exercises at least 2-3 times a week. Also muscular exercises so you don´t burn only muscles.

4.   Drink green tea and water(lots of). Chinese green tea helps your metabolism and is healthy.
It also helps loosing weight. Use cumin becose the cleaning influence.

5.   Use vinegar in your salad. Also add some olive oil. Use lots of spices. Your food is going to be tasty and metabolism works better.

This is my sample menu and works very well for me!

2 boiled eggs
drink lots of water
about 100gr peanuts

LUNCH 13.30-16.30 PM
200gr steak: beef, chicken or fish. Sometimes you can eat my HIZE- lentils(for vegetarians).
Salad. 2-3 times a week little low fat cheese(small cube) and drink water.

This is my favourite part of the day. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables (if you want). You can taste: oranges, apples, watermelon, appricot, persimom etc... Don´t eat too many bananas!